City of Mondovi
156 S. Franklin St.
Mondovi, WI 54755
Billed quarterly in the months of March, June, September, and December. Payments can be mailed, dropped in the mail slot outside the front of the City Hall building any time of day, online payments (fees apply) can be made on the home tab, automatic payments now available, or cash/check payments can be paid in City Hall during office hours.
Water Plant
Source: Wells Maximum Daily Capacity:
- Pumping Capacity: 1,190 gal./min.
- Peak Load: 849,000 gal.
- Storage Capacity: 750,000 gal.
Rates as of March 2024:
- 5/8"- 3/4" meter $21.92/qtr.
- 1" meter $29.91/qtr.
- 1.5" meter $43.81/qtr.
- 2" meter $63.75/qtr.
- 3" meter $95.62/qtr.
- 4" meter $159.40/qtr.
- + 0-30,000 gal. = $3.79/1,000
- 31,000-900,000 gal. = $3.56/1,000
- Over 900,000 gal. = $2.92/1,000
Wastewater Treatment Facility
Type: Mechanical A B Aerobic Digestion Capacity: 380,000 gal./day Present Load: 300,000 gal./day Coverage: Storm/Sanitary Rates as of January, 2023:
- $120/$150/$180/qtr
- + $9.65/$10.00/$10.40/1,000 gal.
Garbage and Recycling
Services are billed quarterly on the water/sewer bill. These services are through GFL for both garbage and recycling.
- 35 gallon - $42.25 per quarter
- 65 gallon - $46.30 per quarter
- 95 gallon - $56.70 per quarter